Thursday, July 26, 2007

More Paris Interviews and other Gossip!

Hello, I'm back....

Okay believe it or not I haven't even watched those Paris video's from "Larry King Live." Anywho I went to play the first one and second one and realized they don't work. So all has been resolved now and they are both working fine. In the midst of me searching to fix them I found more of these interviews so thought I would share them with all of you.
Paris Hilton First TV Interview on "Larry King Live" Part 3

Paris Hilton First TV Interview on "Larry King Live" Part 4

Okay this is funny. This lady Mary Miller who I guess hosts this show called "What's The Buzz" interviews Holly Hunter about her new show. Remember this is put on by ABC and I think any of us could do a better job than this lady does.

That's all for now. I'll try to add more later.

Biz Girl is out for now, :)


Kirsten B. said...

Okay...I just watched the "What's the Buzz" clip...OH MY!!! That girl is SOOOO dumb! She was awkward and lame and asked dumb questions....answered like a star-struck teenager....Oh and I loved the part where she answers by saying, "True, true, true..." AND at the end she messes up the Premiere date and says June when the text on the screen says July!! Wow!

FooFooBerry said...


I know I couldn't believe it when I was watching it. I sort of felt bad for her but found it shocking at the same time.